Bouton d'Or Boreale Yarns

Bouton d'Or Boréale knitting yarn is composed of 55% nylon, 24% combed wool, 16.8% acrylic, 4.2% polyester yarn and knits on 4 or 4.5 mm (US 5-6 / UK 8-7) knitting needles for a gauge of 19 st. and 26 rows.

A 50g (1.75 oz) ball holds about 99 m (108 yds). Handwash, warm iron. For a sweater size 38-40 (US 6-8) allow 10 skeins of yarn.

Boreale Ceylan
Boreale Ceylan
6.95€ now 4.00€
Bouton d'Or Boréale knitting yarn, couleur Ceylan, is composed of 55% nylon, 24% combed wool, 16.8% acrylic, 4.2% polyester yarn.
Boreale Girolle
Boreale Girolle
6.95€ now 4.00€
Boréale Girolle
Boreale Safran
Boreale Safran
6.95€ now 4.00€
Bouton d'Or Boréale knitting yarn, couleur Safran, is composed of 55% nylon, 24% combed wool, 16.8% acrylic, 4.2% polyester yarn.
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